Latest News

Loving touch is universally communicated
We're excited to have our second team of the year going to Romania this fall. Staff members Kim Jackson and Janna Syester, based in North Carolina, will join team members Wendy Norcross from Minnesota and Tammy Guthrie from Illinois in sharing God's love with our older friends in Romania. This team…
Team member Anna with a friend in Romania
Our Summer Mission Team returned home June 24 after sharing God's love with EOC's older friends in rural Romania. Team members Anna, Ellen, Karen, Kim and Vickie all have been to Romania multiple times so there were lots of joyful reunions! "We hugged a lot of necks and held a lot of hands," team…
We love visiting with new and old friends at our ICOM booth
We're excited to return to the International Conference on Missions November 14-16, 2024 in Lexington, Kentucky!  Mark your calendars NOW to join us at ICOM and be sure to visit us at booth 832. We are thrilled to announce that Kim Jackson, EOC's director, has the privilege of presenting two…
Larry is an Elder Orphan Care friend and a Vietnam veteran in North Carolina
Elder Orphan Care exists to provide help and hope for older adults aging alone, so we see loneliness and isolation on a daily basis. We were not surprised, although still saddened, to read the Surgeon General of the United States 85-page 2023 report entitled "Our Epidemic of Loneliness and…