
Zoli is one of several ministry partners in Romania who are the true heroes of Elder Orphan Care

Our ministry partners in Romania are the true heroes of Elder Orphan Care! Their 24/7 labors of love are making a present as well as eternal difference in the lives of hundreds of older adults who find themselves as elder orphans.

Mircea and Dana are Elder Orphan Care's newest partners in Romania Mircea and Dana Badea currently care for over 100 people who are elderly or frail. When our EOC staff first met them, it was Mircea's statement in his limited English that captured our hearts, "I'm a pastor, but now I find myself collecting old people."  Mircea and Dana often talk about the "Seven-Day Church," something they live out as they offer around-the-clock love for the elder orphans in their care. 


Zoli and Ema are Elder Orphan Care's boots-on-the-ground in Romania


Zoli and Ema Somogyi are our "boots on the ground" in Romania. Beyond providing transportation and translation services when our teams are in Romania, the Somogyis serve year round in support of EOC's programs and projects. We are grateful for their labors of love, all of which they do, along with their son, Brian, in addition to running their own work, Pro Familia Foundation. 


Want to know more about these amazing couples? Read their stories in the "Hello, Hope!" series of books written by EOC's Director, Kim Jackson. Contact us at to learn how to receive your copies, or order them on Amazon 


Zoli is an amazing friend and translator for Elder Orphan Care in Romania

Our team members from the U.S. prepare their testimonies to share with our friends in Romania.

These encouraging times would not be possible without Zoli's excellent translation skills.

We thank God for Zoli, Ema, Brian, Ela and for others who help in this way and many more!


Elder Orphan Care partners hold signs expressing their gratitude for Elder Orphan Care


Our partners in Romania express their gratitude in a multitude of ways: hugs, a kiss on the cheek, an enthusiastic "Multumesc!" or in this case, by holding up signs in a photo they sent when we could not be in Romania with them.

When Dana and her helpers received bag after bag of handmade winter hats and scarves as well as many other gifts, they took time show their gratitude with signs, and smiles!


Our ministry partners are wonderful examples of Psalm 28:7: "The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."