Be a Buddy

Elder Orphan Care volunteer Sandy is an outstanding buddy for KathyDo you remember the song

"You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story 4?

That simple title describes the type of person our isolated older clients need: a friend, a buddy, a pal: someone who checks on them, prays for them, helps them, or finds others who can if they can't. 

There's no set job description for our "Be a Buddy" program. We're simply looking for people who care, for those who have time to invest in the life of someone who's lonely.

We'll run a background check, of course, give you some tips and training, and support you in any way we can. But mostly you'll be free to be yourself, to be a friend.

Thinking about being a friend to an older adult in Cabarrus or Rowan counties of North Carolina? Email us at to set up a time to talk to one of our staff about the possibilities!

Two are better than one...

Ecclesiastes 4:9